
Facts, insights and our point-of-view on D2C and Hispanic Advertising

Hyphenicity: The Latino Experience

Hispanic Consumer Myths

Cultural Competency is not Enough

Is Hispanic Culture Going Mainstream?

Hispanic Marketing Microaggressions

The Problem with LatinX

Hispanic Vaccination Rates


Hispanic Sentiment on Hispanic Mass Deportations & Marketing Considerations for Today’s Environment.

A white paper with some thoughts and ideas by Gustavo Ordonez, EVP Spectrum Group, Screen Engine ASI and Marcelino Miyares, Jr., Managing Partner Arenas Group.
February 6, 2025/by

Are We Still Crazy to Run a Hispanic Agency in 2024?

Are We Still Crazy to Run a Hispanic Agency in 2024?

Ten years…
March 20, 2024/by


June 7, 2023/by


June 7, 2023/by

The Hispanic Truths That Shall Set You Free

There are endless articles, reports and blogs dealing with the power, the importance, and the resiliency of the Hispanic consumer – not to mention everything that has been written about the numerous myths, and sometimes outright ethnic fallacies, surrounding Hispanic consumers.
April 26, 2022/by Staff Writer

Are We Crazy to Run a Hispanic Agency?

Nine years ago, my partner and I opened the doors of d2H Partners with two burning questions. The first was a bit visceral – “Are we crazy to open a Hispanic advertising agency?” The second more existential –
March 24, 2022/by Staff Writer

The Hispanic Positivity Vacuum

The largest anti-Latino racial massacre in recent history took place on August 3, 2019, when a 21-year-old believer in the white supremacist conspiracy theory the “Great Replacement” walked into a Walmart in the Texas border city of El Paso with an assault-style rifle and began shooting, intending to target Latino, specifically Mexican, people, according to a federal affidavit. Twenty-three people died, most of them Latino.
February 2, 2022/by Staff Writer

My Dollar Buys as Much as Your Dollar – Do You Care?

I cannot help but feel the million cuts of micro-aggressions whenever I ask myself this question. If my dollar is worth as much as your dollar, then why do you spend so much less reaching out for my business? I write today as much a Hispanic consumer as I am a marketer to my community.
December 26, 2021/by Staff Writer


The term LatinX that purports to describe Latinos in a gender-inclusive, non-binary way, has become commonplace in some quarters – but certainly not among Hispanics.

So, who is using LatinX? Opponents of transphobia and sexism and those who embrace the latest lingo. The term appears in academic research papers; liberal politicians, social scientists and civil rights litigators use it. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci uses it. In fact, in 2018 Merriam-Webster officially added it to the dictionary.
November 14, 2021/by Staff Writer

The Hispanic Covid-19 Misinformation Gap

A quick look at our infographic this month and you cannot help but come to one conclusion – Hispanics are vaccinating for COVID-19 at an alarmingly low rate relative to the US population in general. Ironically, there is research out there that Hispanics want to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
September 29, 2021/by Staff Writer

Hispanics Are High On Cannabis

US Hispanics have historically been linked to cannabis, but until recently that association was marked by racial inequality. In fact, cannabis was referred to as “marijuana” “because anti-cannabis factions wanted to underscore the drug’s ‘Mexican-ness,’ meant to stoke anti-immigrant sentiments,” according to Matt Thompson from NPR’s Code Switch blog. It’s also the reason why some cannabis advocates today consider “marijuana” a derogatory term.
July 22, 2021/by Staff Writer

What Makes Latino Content… Latino?

Most of the debate related to people of color in the media comes down to two subjects — how are we portrayed and do we see ourselves enough on-screen. The topic of on-screen representation seems to get more politicized with every award show, much like everything else in our increasingly polarized society today.
June 4, 2021/by Staff Writer

Covid Will Not Kill Hispanic Economic Success

Almost one year ago, I wrote about Hispanics being essential to the well-being of the U.S. economy. This economic essentiality has cost our community dearly and yet the resiliency shown by Latinos is what makes us an unequivocal economic growth engine in this country.
April 27, 2021/by Staff Writer

Measuring Authenticity in Spanish Advertising

The last time we took on the subject of authenticity in Spanish language advertising campaigns, we outlined at least 12 red flags. To those of us in the multicultural marketing business this may come as second nature, but this issue is somehow still generating discourse among advertisers.
March 28, 2021/by Staff Writer

The Role of Spanish in Media, Marketing & Entertainment

Spanish is not going away, especially when there are 46MM Spanish-speaking consumers in the US today.

While the topics of acculturation and the growth of the Hispanic market coming from US-born Latinos, have been used to undermine the belief that Hispanics continue to use their native language, the truth is that Spanish language media and advertising continue to thrive in this country.
February 26, 2021/by Staff Writer

The Three Stages of Multicultural Activation

Now that we are well into the 2020s, we may finally be coming to terms with racial and cultural unrest in our society. What is not so clear is what this reckoning – along with upcoming census data – will mean for multicultural marketing in general and Hispanic advertising in particular.

Many corporations have been making well publicized efforts to diversify their workforces in order to better reflect the perspectives of their customer bases.
January 27, 2021/by Staff Writer

Choosing the Right Hispanic Agency

Hispanics represent roughly 20% of the U.S. consumer market which means that choosing the right D2C agency to grow your agency is more than just a wise choice, it’s imperative. While the process may seem daunting at first blush, it is not. Simply apply the same search criteria you used to choose a general market agency, but with the added consideration of Hispanic Market IQ
December 17, 2020/by Staff Writer

Hispanic Budgeting – More Like Algebra Than Rocket Science

If you are like me, my love of math was cut short at pre-calculus. Fortunately for all of us, projecting how to budget for the Hispanic Consumer Market for the first time requires less engineering than you might expect. Remember the axiom if A=B and B=C then A=C. Let’s translate.

If ​Hispanic = Growth
And ​Growth = A Strategic Opportunity Then ​Hispanic = A Strategic Opportunity
October 27, 2020/by Staff Writer

Let’s Ignore the Irony of Hispanic Heritage Month

The Supreme Court ruling today that the Census can be cut short is particularly troublesome to the U.S. Hispanic community. Per Justice Sonia Sotomayor – the only dissenting voice – “the harms associated with an inaccurate census are avoidable and intolerable.”

This could be one of the most important Hispanic Heritage Months since it became a thing, first as just a week, and then later as a full-month in 1988.
October 16, 2020/by Staff Writer

Hispanics are a Winning Strategy

In this challenging social and economic environment, it’s easy to become pessimistic. However, despite our shared problems, we also have reasons to be optimistic, particularly as D2C Hispanic marketers.

Yes, Hispanics and communities of color are bearing the brunt of both the coronavirus and the economic downturn, but the grit that characterizes this group expresses itself in many ways, not the least of which is its resilience in the face of adversity.
August 27, 2020/by Staff Writer

Now Is a Time to Learn From Hispanic Americans

Scholars call it the “Hispanic Paradox”: Despite poverty and discrimination, Hispanic Americans live significantly longer than white or black Americans. Hispanics in the United States endure discrimination, high poverty, lower rates of health insurance than both whites and blacks — yet they enjoy a life expectancy of
June 27, 2020/by Staff Writer

Hispanics are Essential

Hispanics are essential for the well-being of the U.S. economy. This has been proven beyond a doubt by the coronavirus pandemic we are all living through.

The numbers speak for themselves. Hispanics are over-represented in several key front-line sectors that have kept the economy running during this pandemic:

Health Care
Food Service
Food & Meat Packing
May 29, 2020/by Staff Writer

Community: We’re all in this Together

Civic Capitalism – Do What You Can to Preserve Incomes
Never has the word ‘community’ been so relevant. To all of our friends and family – our staff, clients and ecosystem partners in this class – you are OUR community and you can count on us, now and always.

d2H is a small business and for the last month due to the current Coronavirus pandemic, we have most definitely felt vulnerable to the economy and consumer demand in the near future. No doubt, we share in the insecurity of the times. But being small does not mean we cannot do big things.
April 11, 2020/by Staff Writer

How marketers grapple with shrinking budgets amid coronavirus pandemic

The planning process for marketers is being thrown into disarray. With uncertainty pervading all aspects of business, marketers are forced to pare down their plans and focus only on a month or two head. Annual plans are, for the most part, a relic of a different era.
April 9, 2020/by Staff Writer
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